(above) Video that was played on the jumbo tron screen at BB&T Ballpark for the
Charlotte Hornets baseball tribute game on August 5, 2014.
(above) Former Hornets player and Twins legend Tony Oliva talks about baseball in Cuba.
(above) He went by names like "Archibald", "Archie", "Moonlight", or as "Doc" Graham when he lived in Chisholm Minnesota. Archibald Wright Graham was a former 1902 Charlotte Hornets ball player, eventually making his way to a short stint with the New York Giants in 1905 as well as playing on other semi-pro ball clubs, before later pursuing a career as a doctor,
helping the school children of Chisholm Minnesota until he passed in August of 1965.
The book "Shoeless Joe" by W.P. Kinsella, and the movie "Field of Dreams" brought the former 1902 Hornet to life, even creating fictional, but inspiring, quotes or words that are memorable from the movie character. In the movie, Burt Lancaster plays as "Doc" Graham, and Frank Whaley plays as the young rookie "Archie" Graham.
Although the portrayal of Graham is mostly accurate, there are some small things that are not 100% accurate.
Graham's look as a doctor in the movie vs real life, a 1922 Giants uniform in the movie instead of a 1905 Giants
Uniform in real life, and is it 1972 when Doc is still living? Doc Graham wasn't around to see 1972, and his baseball
career would have happened more than 50 years ago by the year 1972.
The movie mostly is one of the bigger reasons why Graham's baseball and medical career is as known as it is today,
and while there are things that are inaccurate in the movie, there is one thing that will always be accurate.
The "magic" of this good samaritan was brought to life, for those who knew who he was, and for those who have
never heard of Dr. Archibald Wright "Moonlight" Graham.